Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab list # 3

I was absent today so I'm just going to assume that I'm supposed to post them here. haha.

Accolade; any award or honor.

The cast received accolades from their audience and every local newspaper.

Acerbity; harshness or severity.

Her mean behavior was one of acerbity.

Attrition; a decrease in numbers, size or strength.

The class was experiencing attrition because so many students were dropping it.

Bromide; a platitude or trite saying. a dull or boring person.

She had nothing interesting to say and everything she did say was bromide and lifeless.

Chauvinist; a person who is aggressively patriotic. a person who thinks one gender is superior.

His facebook status showing disrespect towards women, showed that he had the attitude of a chauvinist.

Chronic; constant or habitual.

His fever kept returning and he had a chronic cough.

Expound; to explain.

She was not understanding, so the teacher had to further expound it to her.

Factionalism; self- interested.

Factional interest consumed the mother and she neglected her children.

Immaculate; spotlessly clean.

The girl's record was immaculate and she had never gotten in trouble.

Imprecation; cursing.

The witch decided to imprecate the mean woman.

Ineluctable; inevitable, unavoidable.

The life sentence was ineluctable.

Mercurial; volatile, changeable.

The girl's mood was mercurial and unpredictable.

Palliate; to relieve.

The medicine was supposed to palliate her pain.

Protocol; code of behavior. set of rules or regulations.

The doctor needed insurance as a protocol before he took an appointment.

Resplendent; shining brilliantly. splendid.

The Christmas lights were resplendent through the town.

Stigmatize; to mark or brand with shame.

The girl was stigmatized with awful labels after she slept with a boy.

Sub rosa; privately.

The marriage was done sub rosa and hidden from the family.

Vainglory; boastful or excessive elation over a victory.

The trophy made the boy vainglory and he lost many friends because of his egotistical and cocky attitude.

Vestige; a trace of something no longer existing.

The fossils left a vestige of dinosaurs.

Volition; a choice made by will

The boy stole the car and it was a volition.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beowulf Questions!

I completed these questions by getting a big group message together on Facebook with Jackie, Jenna and Beka. We all decided to split up the questions but then Beka completed all of them so we just kinda went our own directions. haha. So now we are just keeping the message open in case we need to ask each other questions. Update: Elizabeth and I were both having trouble with the questions so we are splitting them up half and half. This first half is hers and the second is mine.

Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation

1. The reason it was unusual that Shield became the ruler was that he started out an orphan but then rose to power. Like Egyptian rulers and other such royalty, His funeral consisted of his personal treasures being put into a boat; including his son, and was sent out to the sea. After shield's death he was succeeded by Hrothgar.

Heorot is Attacked

1. Hrothgar built the hall of Heorot. Grendal attacked it every night for twelve years killing many people. In response the Danes do not dare go to the hall due to fear.

The Hero Comes to Heorit

1. when Beowulf hears about Hrothgar's problems he creates an army to stop Grendel.

2. When the Geats first arrive in Denmark they come across a nameless watcher whom guarded the shore and Question Beowulf whom explained he was there to cast out Grendel and meet king Hrothgar.

3. This nameless watcher is actually Hrothgar's Herald. he goes to his master and tells him about the Geats insisting that his master invite them. Hrothgar agrees to this, at which time he remembers Beowulf because he knew Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father.

4. Beowulf tells Hrothgar he plans to fight Grendel. Hrothgar paid the family of a man whom Beowulf's father killed.

Feast at Heorot

1. Unferth accuses Beowulf of having lost a swimming contest, but Beowulf denies this saying he came across many sea monsters and killed 9 by the time he made it ashore. This is important because Beowulf shows no fear when telling his story. At the end Beowulf accuses Unferth of weakness because he has not fought Grendel.

2. Queen Wealhtheow during the feast is taking care of Beowulf's men and thanks him for coming.

The fight with Grendel

1. Beowulf's preparations for battle with Grendel is different from heroic poetry because instead of putting on armor, he takes it off because he ants a fair fight.

2. When Grendel enters Heorot he tares the door off, and drinks the blood of a great warrior. With no weapons Beowulf fights Grendel whom tries to escape but loses am arm which is left behind.

Celebration at Heorot

1. Beowulf and Sigemund are alike because the have both slayed creatures. Beowulf slayed Grendel a monster, and Sigemund slayed a dragon. They are different because Beowulf is not afraid.

2. When Beowulf returns Hrothgar adopts him as his own leaving Unfirth silent.

3. The song is about how the Finns defeated the Danes, but their king made a truce to live separate but under one rule. It also suggested it wise to use marriages to unite tribes on common grounds.

4. Weatheow asks Hrothgar not to make Beowulf heir to the thorn, because they have two sons.

5. The necklace Wealtheow gave Beowulf is later in the hands of Hygelac. the queen asks Beowulf to watch over her sons.

6. many men end up sleeping in the beer hall because grendel has died and it they think it is safe. this is a mistake because Grendels mother goes after them for revenge.

Another Attack

1. Grendel's mother comes to Heorot no to finish her sons work but to take revenge for his life.

2. Hrothgar is devistated by the death of his retainer and sends Beowulf and Beowulf's men with his own.

3. The mere is a bog like lake where Grendel's mother lives among many other monsters.

Beowulf Fights Gerndel's Mother

1. Beowulf tell Hrothgar to revenge the death of a loved one, not morn them.

2. Before Beowulf enters the mere they find Aeschere's head. Beowulf kills a monster.

3. Beowulf prepares for battle by putting on his chain mail, golden helmet, and takes his sword called Hrunting given to him by Unferth.

4. When Beowulf enters the mere he is attacked my monsters. Grendel's mother takes him to her hall where the water could not hurt him.

5. The sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth melts.

6. Beowulf escapes when he wiggles free from the rubble.

7. Beowulf uses the sward to decapitate her. He also findes Grendel's body, decapitates it and takes the head home. The sword he used melts.

8. When Beowulf leaves he finds everyone left (except the great warriors), him because they expected him to die. The warriors are ecstatic at his return.

1. Beowulf gives Hrothgar the head and the sword hilt

2. Hrothgar tells Beowulf that he united the Danes and Geats and he tells the story of Heremod, who died when he was banished by his subjects.

3. He returns Hrunting to Unfterth

1. Hrothgar predicts that Beowulf be a king in the future

2. She is Hygelac's wife. She is unlike Modthryth because she is young and beautiful.

3. Beowulf does not see this marriage working out and sees it causing problems.

4. Beowulf just exaggerates his battles to make him sound greater

5. He gives his treasures to Hygelac and Hygd. Hygelac gives Beowulf a prized sword.

1. Part two takes place fifty years later. Hygelac and Heardred have died and a dragon has awoken.

2. The dragon is angry because a man stole a cup. He took the cup because he got scared when the dragon woke up. The lone survivor of an ancient race buried the treasure there.

3. The dragon destroyed Beowulf's throne hall and homes and villages.

4. Beowulf thinks that he has angered god and that's why his throne hall was destroyed. He decides to fight the dragon without an army.

5. Hygelac died in battle. Beowulf returns home to Hygd offering him the throne. He declines.

6. Heardred died in a fight with the Swedes. Beowulf was going to befriend an exiled man and create an army to kill Heardred's killer.

7. Beowulf takes eleven men with him

8. Herebeald was accidentally killed by his brother. Hrethel was very sad and decided to send his other son to the gallows. But he could not. He did not experience happiness and eventually died. After his death, the Swedes and Geats went to war. Haethcyn died.

1. He tells them that the battle is his and not to interfere.

2. Beowulf's sword fails and is set on fire. All of his men flee except for one. Wiglaf. He rushes in to help Beowulf.

3. Wiglaf stabs the dragon in the stomach but it burns him. The dragon bites Beowulf's neck. The men kill the dragon.

4. Beowulf asks to see the treasure. He wants the barrow to be named "Beowulf's Barrow" and he wants to be buried with the treasure.

1. When the companions return, Wiglaf tells them they are weak and are better off dead.

2. The Frisians, Franks and Swedish will definitely attack the Geats. Ongentheow takes the queen after Hygelac's army was after him. Nobody can touch the treasure without the will of god.

3. The cost of the treasure was their king.

4. The body was tossed into the sea.

5. They built a massive monument and fire for their king. Treasures were buried.

6. Beowulf is described as kind and gentle. You would not expect this in a scary military leader

AP exam essay #2

1987 AP exam

Question 2 Prompt: Some novels and plays seem to advocate change in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that that author apparently wishes to modify. Then analyze the techniques the author uses to influence the reader's or audience's views. Avoid plot summary.

In The poisonwood bible, Kingsolver notes the injustices in the Congo during that time. Showing how ignorance and intrusion can bring about negative responses. The influence of Nathan and his family's views did not sit well with the villagers and they were angry. Nathan's extreme actions and erratic behavior shows how unstable he was and how the Congo affected the whole family.

This novel shows how different traditions and cultures do not always mix and should remain separate. Nathan's superior attitude greatly contributed to the negative attitudes of the villagers. The villagers felt as though they needed the Prices' god to give them good fortune, but with Nathan's continuous nagging about baptism and no good things happening, they went back to their old traditions and their own god. Nathan's attitude influences the reader's views on the good of the mission. It makes the reader realize that you should not try to change tradition or tell someone that their tradition is wrong.

Kingsolver uses the children to show Nathan's radical behavior in their perspective. Showing how Leah looked up to her father and his beliefs in the beginning and then by the end she did not have any respect for him.

The author uses many different characters to show the attitudes regarding Nathan and his extreme actions that attempt to change traditions in the Congo.

AP Exam essay #1

1987 AP Exam

Question 1 Prompt: In the section below, George Eliot presents a conception of leisure that has lost its place in the society of her own time. Write an essay in which you describe her views on "old leisure" and on leisure in the society of her own time and discuss the stylistic devices she uses to convey those views.

In the passage by George Eliot, she describes old leisure as a time of innocence in a world that is now very consumed with what could be seen as evil. She discusses how most people will never know the comfort of old leisure and the great pleasure in not seeing life as one big task.

To convey her points, George used very descriptive language. She talks about old leisure as though she knew it and it was very familiar to her. Discussing a time where people did not care what caused things, they only cared about the things themselves. This is the old leisure she was talking about, the days when life was carefree and even if it was shorter, it was filled with lovely memories instead of fear and paranoia.

By describing leisure in the way that Eliot does, it paints a picture for the reader of what leisure is to them and the leisure of their own time and society. This makes the passage very relatable and makes the reader want to continue.

The old leisure that Eliot knows fondly has disappeared. She longs for a time when worries did not surround your thoughts and things were easy and simple. Through her descriptive language and diction, Eliot shows her love and longing for old leisure.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

1. The only factor that I can think of that could possibly affect my participation in the class is being in Madrigals. During december, madrigals has to become your life so I will probably just become really stressed during that time but I will just have to deal with it.

2. My most significant learning experience was in tenth grade when X happened. I've grown so much as an individual since then and it is directly linked to that incident. It was at school and all of my friends witnessed my foolish behavior. I learned that I am certainly not perfect and do not expect to be. It has changed the way I think of everything I do and has made me consider every decision I make.

3. My biggest concern about this class is the internet aspect. I just feel like if I say something stupid out loud nobody is going to remember. If I say it on the internet, I feel like everybody is thinking about how I don't belong in this class. I feel this class with make an impact on my life by teaching me to be more independent and preparing me for the real world that I will soon have to be a part of.