Thursday, September 20, 2012

Literature analysis

1. Winston Smith is the main character and the year is obviously 1984. He lives in Oceania in London and is a part of the ruling party there. The party is watching everything he does and basically frowns upon all individuality. The book details how he gets really frustrated with the oppression and then eventually has to accept it.

2. One theme from 1984 is loyalty. Everyone is expected to be loyal to the party even if they do not agree with their actions.

3. The author's tone is pessimistic. "He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984." p.94 "At those moments his secret loathing of Big Brother changed into adoration, and Big Brother seemed to tower up, an invincible, fearless protector..." p.101 "He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one." p.162

4. Foreshadowing is used when O'Brien glances at Winston and that makes Winston think that he is a part of the brotherhood. Narrative when telling what happens to Winston, Julia, and the big brother agents who capture them. Irony is used when Winston is tortured but then he loves the party by the end of the story. Simile is used when he says "Life was like a restless dream." p.192 Imagery is used on page 146 when he writes "She was standing near a doorway in the wall, under a street lamp that hardly gave any light. She had a young face, painted very thick. It was really the paint that appealed to me, the whiteness of it, like a mask, and the bright red lips."


  1. Really great job at answering numbers 3 and 4. It's really specific. But I feel like I have no idea what book you're talking about... It sounds really interesting though. I love the 80's! Haha

  2. I enjoyed your answers. But it was very vague.

  3. I like how you added page numbers to reference what part of the book you're talking about, but you could be more descriptive with the summary and mention more literary elements you found. I think I'll read this book soon though! :)

  4. Your plot summary was a bit short and you could have added to it so that we can understand more about the book, and that goes for your theme too. I guess I can't really judge the length since mine is pretty short as well. 3 is really straight to the point which I like. Got your literary devices, but you got to support those with lots of quotes :D

  5. I like how I didn't have to skim through everything because your answers were so short, but I think we were supposed to have five literary elements with three examples for each one.
