Thursday, September 27, 2012

Vocab #7

aberration; the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
Dying her hair purple was an aberration.
ad hoc; for the special purpose or end presently under consideration.
The committee was formed ad hoc to solve the mystery.
bane; a person or thing that ruins or spoils.
The negative girl was a bane on the whole party.
bathos; sentimentality, mawkishness.
Her speech had a lot of bathos.
cantankerous; disagreeable to deal with, contentious, quarrelsome.
Some cats are nice and others are cantankerous and crazy
casuistry; oversubtle or misleading reasoning.
Her explanation had casuistry and she was not trusted. 
de facto; in fact, in reality. something agreed upon without favor. 
Nobody was elected, so he became president de facto.
depredation; robbery
He performed depredation on the woman when she was walking home.
empathy; The understanding of another's feelings.
I felt empathy for her when I saw her crying.
harbinger; anything foreshadowing something else. sign or omen.
The car crash was a harbinger that she should not go to Las Vegas.
hedonism; the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the highest good.
He was notorious for his practice of hedonism.
lackluster; lacking brilliance or radiance, dull.
Her prom dress was pretty but also very lackluster. 
malcontent; not satisfied or content with current prevailing conditions or circumstances.
She was malcontent at her current job.
mellifluous; sweetly or smoothly flowing.
The honey was mellifluous.
nepotism; favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship.
Her mother expressed nepotism when she hired her daughter on the spot.
pander; a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of another.
The cigarette shop was a pander.
peccadillo; a small offense
Dropping the glass was a peccadillo
piece de resistance; prized feature
The turkey was the piece de resistance at Thanksgiving.
remand; to send back
He had to remand the waiter to the kitchen because he got his order wrong.
syndrome; a group of symptoms that together are characteristics of a specific disorder or disease.
Her constant mood swings and depression were a syndrome of depression.

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