Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Notes on Hamlet

My thoughts on the play since we began reading have evolved greatly. In the beginning, I totally understood Hamlet's desire to avenge his father's death, especially when his father's GHOST told him to himself. As we reached the end of Act 3, I am feeling somewhat sorry for Claudius...I know that sounds crazy but I don't even care. I know that Claudius is awful and everything and did an awful act, but now he seems like he feels really guilty and I just want him to have another chance to repent. I saw Hamlet as being vengeful in the beginning but now even more so. He didn't want to kill Claudius when he was praying because he wants him to burn in hell!!! That is just not something I can support anymore. I can't really say what I expect because hasn't everybody heard about how Hamlet ends?? Claudius better start being a terrible person again so I can start hating him again.

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