Sunday, October 21, 2012


So for this remix I decided that I would translate pages 123-127. Right before Hamlet begins his soliloquy. I decided to translate into modern English but not really because nobody actually talks like this.....There will be a lot of "Yo" and "Shawty" or some variation on the two. I feel like Carrie when her mother keeps yelling "They're all gonna laugh at you!" You're all going to laugh at me......

KING: YO! Why is Hamlet acting mad crazy?

ROSENCRANTZ: Maaan he won't tell us why!!!

GUILDENSTERN: And he keeps on avoiding our questions like we the police or something!

QUEEN: Was he bein' nice to yall when you saw him??

ROSENCRANTZ: Like a gentleman!

GUILDENSTERN: Shoot! He had to force himself to be nice to us

ROSENCRANTZ: He didn't ask us nothin'! But when we asked him something he couldn't keep his mouth shut

QUEEN: YO did you tempt him with some fun!!!

ROSENCRANTZ: Shawty, we saw some actors and Hamlet was cool with that. They at the court now and they gon' perform for Hamlet tonight you feel me?

POLONIUS: He wants yall to join

KING: FA REAL? That makes me mad happy yo. Make sure he's real interested. Maybe this play will do that fool some good


KING: AY YO GERTRUDE. Leave us alone. Hamlet is coming to bump into the FIIIIIIIINE Ophelia. Her pops and I are gon' hide and watch to see if love is making Hamlet cray.

QUEEN: Fa sho. Ophelia, I hope your beauty is the cause of Hamlet's cray actions. You are a cool lady so I hope that you can save him.


POLONIUS: Ophelia, take your prayer book and read it gurl. People hide in prayer to hide the bad things they do. Dat ain't cool. The king and I will hide.

KING: Fa real I am feeling all kinds of guilty right now.

POLONIUS: He's coming let's hide yo.

Okay I'm done. I hope this has helped...haha. I am embarrassing but this was actually fun.


  1. Hahahahahaha! This is SUPER hilarious! I LOVE it! And it's very very helpful. So thank you! Very creative! :)

  2. Hahahahaha! Oh goodness, Kaitlyn this is way better than you gave yourself credit for. Its funny and interesting. Good Job! #Thug life

  3. Making Hamlet funny, gotta love it.

  4. Wow. Suddenly, clarity. I kind of talk like this in my head and while I'm with my family so it was a whole lot easier to read than Shakespearean English. Also, the humor of juxtaposing modern colloquialism with a classic plot made it a lot easier to pay attention to. Peace up A-town.

  5. This is the must read remix of the AP blogs. Truly a reading experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. The only dissapointment was that it ended.

  6. i absolutely love this. i did something similar by just translating it into modern english.. but you took it to a whole other level and it is sooo awesome. i give you props for this.
