Tuesday, October 23, 2012

To Facebook or Not to Facebook?

That is the question. My initial impression of Facebook was that it was basically a safer and better formatted Myspace. As my few years as a Facebook user have gone by, I am realizing that this may not be the case. Ads have continued to get worse and Facebook has pretty much turned into one big advertisement. You even have the option to promote a post so people are guaranteed to see it. You can promote anything you want and that is sort of terrifying. I think there are always many risks with using sites like Facebook and Myspace. Safety online is very important and people are become less aware of the personal things that they are choosing to share. These sites make us think that are friends are seeing something, when really millions of people you don't know could be seeing it too. It scares me that I can't see certain things and I am not getting full information. Seeing what has happened to Facebook, I'm sure that it will crash and burn just like Myspace did. Unfortunately, there will be another site just like it...and another.

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